What I’ve learned

Walking into astronomy class in late January, I was not even sure if I would be able to name the eight planets in our solar system. It is safe to say that I’ve learned a lot.

I think the most important thing I learned is how big our universe really is and how everything explains everything and that if there are something we are not able to explain, then we have either not completely gotten the science for it or something happened that we did not account for. I felt like in this class, the more I learned about the solar system and our universe, the more I knew how little knowledge I really have of what lies beyond our sky. I think it was super interesting to learn about the solar system’s eight planets, why they are the way they are and what makes them unique and more importantly how do they connect to earth. I also thought that the solar nebula theory was super interesting and not knowing about it before this class, I found it fascinating and astonishing how people are smart enough to develop theories like that. In all, I loved this class and I think the knowledge I gained is invaluable. I also think that there is still so much to learn about our universe and I can’t wait to see how science develops in the near-by future. Thank you Professor Grundstrom and TA Jorge.

Our Solar System

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